Saturday, September 25, 2010

Reflection of the math module

I have learned that math is an ''excellent learning vehicle for the development and improvement of a person's intellectual competence in logical reasoning, spatial visualisation, analysis and abstract thoughts." I also realised that learning math will give an  experience of joy and excitement. I found the different theories taught by Dr. Yeap about Van Hiele's level of thought and Jerome Bruner's representation theories very insightful . Now I can assess my student's level of thought as it is in the level 0 (visualisation), level 1(analysis) etc. Though I am introducing a new concept to my students through concrete materials first( enactive representation) , followed by the pictorial(iconic representation), lastly by abstract (symbolic representation), I did not realise that I have been following the Jerome Bruner's theory until Dr. Yeap explained this. Another idea that I got from this module is that " Knowledge can be learned by learners itself. Information can be procured from others. If you get information and experience together, learners will get knowledge."  Now I also want to create an environment in such a way that my students also want to get information and experience together.
When we did the problem solving through environment I realised that incidental learning can take place via environment based task.This module changed my mind set regarding the methods to teach math to young children. Through different activities, games, E-games and links (that have different math activities in it) that the lecturer gave us will definitely help me to provide different interesting activies in my class.
My students are learning the distance concept in a fun way (using non standard measurement) can be seen in the picture.

A child is measuring the distance of the aeroplane that she has been launched.(6 year olds)

Children trying to solve the puzzle to see the numbers from 1-10( 4year olds)

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